Shop - Power Foods

Smoothie Detox Programs

Incomparable variety for an unmatched bioactivity

Over 60 fresh and whole ingredients

Low in calories and rich in nutrients

Optimized cleanse and regeneration

Vegan, no gluten and no added sugars

Fresh daily deliveries with reusable bottles

Since 2012 promoting healthy lifestyle habits

Andrea Falchi

I did the reset program with my husband and we are enthusiastic about it. In the five days of the program we easily lost weight and most importantly we have been able to build long term healthy habits. The Power Food team has been amazing in responsiveness and support in this journey. Thank you for the energy and emotional boost that is giving me a stronger body and sharper mind!

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Adryanna Oliveira

Tive resultados incríveis com o programa, até mesmo no meu cabelo e pele. Recomendo com certeza o programa para todos.

Marco Nunes

Excelente produto. Eficaz, preço justo, boa comunicação com o cliente.

Isabel Ferreira

Gostei muito da experiência. Gostei dos sabores e textura tanto dos batidos e smoothies. Houve um dia que senti necessidade de comer qualquer de mais consistente mas segui as indicações. Perdi 2,5 Kg.



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